Fat is a nutrient, just like protein and carbohydrate. It is a source of energy. Fat contains, among other things, fatty acid, an important building material in the body. Fats can be used for preparing food or making food taste better. A distinction is made between saturated fats, unsaturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fat is less healthy than unsaturated fat.



Saturated fats and unsaturated fats come from nature. Saturated fats are often animal fats and are less healthy. Unsaturated fats are often healthy and are found in plants, fish and nuts. Fat in food products is always made up of a combination of both. Trans fats are industrially created fats and are harmful to health.



Saturated fats are found in whole dairy products, fatty meats, butter, cookies, chocolate and pastries. Unsaturated fats are found in vegetable oil, liquid baking and frying products, diet margarine in a tub, fish and nuts. Trans fat is found in biscuits, cakes and snacks.



Fat generally has a negative reputation: a person gets fat. Fat also plays a role in diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, overweight and cancer. Yet our bodies need daily fat for:



